Friday, October 25, 2013

Duplicate Students

The agency does have the ability to delete a student record using the delete button at the bottom of the Student Key Info screen.  But, the student record cannot be deleted if he has a FY Record from a previous fiscal year because this may affect the numbers that have been submitted to OVAE on the NRS reports.


If the agency tries to delete the student and gets the message that the record cannot be deleted because he has a FY Record from a previous fiscal year, they can go to the student's Fiscal Year folder and open the fiscal year record(s) to see if they all indicate 'NRS Reportable = 0.'   If the student was not NRS Reportable in any previous fiscal year, they can send us the name of the student who needs to be deleted and we will delete the FY Record so the agency can then delete the student.

But, if the FY Record from a previous fiscal year indicates NRS Reportable = 1, this means the student was counted on the NRS reports that have already been submitted to OVAE.  Since the data reported to OVAE should not change once the report has been submitted, this student record should not be deleted.  We put this edit check in place because some states have had questions from OVAE during their audits because some of their agencies had deleted duplicate students not realizing that the student had already been reported

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