Goals from previous fiscal years
will have no effect on the 12/13 Table 5 (other than for the Enter and Retain
Employment goals that were set in the same year that the student left if he is
eligible for inclusion on the 12/13 Table 5).
In order to be included on Table 5,
the goal must be set in the same fiscal year that the student left the program.
For 12/13 no goals will affect Obtain GED or Enter Postsecondary
Education/Training because those are now completely cohort based. Since
the 12/13 Table 5 includes students who left the program between 10/1/11 -
9/30/12 with an Enter Employment goal, goals will still be included for those
students who left in 11/12, but only if the goal was also set in 11/12.
The 12/13 Table 5 will include students who left with the Retain
Employment goal between 4/1/11 - 3/31/12, so goals from 10/11 or 11/12 will
cause students to populate the Table. If an Enter or Retain Employment
goal for a student who is eligible for inclusion on Table 5 is marked as met
with met date in the correct follow-up quarter, the student will count on Table
5 as having met the objective.
For Table 11, only goals that are
set in the reporting year are included, so if a student still has an active
goal to Leave Public Assistance from last year or any previous year, it will
not populate the 12/13 Table 11.
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