NMHED Adult Basic Education Division Data Management Procedures
This policy is intended to provide programs with guidance on intake, enrollment and goal-setting procedures. A standardized process is required to ensure that programs are consistent in collecting and maintaining accurate information. It is necessary for local ABE programs to reliably report high-quality data to the State Adult Basic Education Division for analysis, trending and required reporting to the NRS, various agency officials and legislative representatives.
A. Data Collection
The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA, WIA, Title II, Section 212), via the NRS Implementation Guidelines, and the New Mexico State Plan require the use of a standardized process (and forms) to collect student data and information for annual reporting. This data collection includes student demographics, assessment, attendance, goal-setting, pre-and post-testing among others.
Data technicians are required to be trained on the NRS system as well as the LACES database. Certifications must be readily available to present to the State Office Site Visit Review Team. Local ABE programs must enter data into LACES on a timely basis (at least monthly).
WIA (Section 212, A) and the New Mexico State Plan require the collection of program information related to the core indictors of performance in order to analyze program performance:
"(i) Demonstrated improvements in literacy skill levels in reading, writing, and speaking the English language, numeracy, problem solving, English language acquisition, and other literacy skills.
(ii) Placement in, retention in, or completion of, postsecondary education, training, unsubsidized employment or career advancement.
(iii) Receipt of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent."
Although the NRS has now developed a process which automatically places students into cohorts, the State Adult Basic Education Division still requires local ABE programs to collect information related to student goals (please see
State policy on Enrollment, Intake and Goal-setting). The performance-based funding formula is partially based on the degree to which students achieve the goals that they set.
Local ABE programs must help students establish goals based on assessment results,
Student’s personal and professional interests, and other factors, such as student work schedule, family responsibilities and other issues. Classroom instruction will better meet student needs and expectations, become more meaningful, help improve attendance, aid retention and enhance program success if there are opportunities for periodic review of goals in ways that support student goal achievement. Local ABE programs must advise students about goals as they relate to the requirements associated with adult education level gains, progress in English language learning activities, citizenship, employment, postsecondary education and training.
Follow-up Process
To comply with National Reporting System (NRS) requirements, State performance in Adult Basic Education is based on several indicators of student achievement ( See NRS Implementation Guidelines). These core outcome measures are: Topic |
Measures |
Definitions |
Educational Gains |
Pre- and Post-testing for Educational Level Gains |
Improvements in educational functioning levels in reading, writing, speaking and listening and functional areas |
Follow-up Measures |
Entered employment Retained employment (Includes Improved Employment) Receipt of secondary school diploma or GED Placement in postsecondary education or training |
Learners who obtain a job by the first quarter after exit quarter Learners who entered employment who are employed in the third quarter after program exit Learners who obtain a GED, secondary school diploma or recognized equivalent Learners who enroll in a postsecondary educational or occupational skills program building on prior services or training received |
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