Friday, October 25, 2013

What Students to follow-up on?

I would use the All Followup Outcomes tab to find the students who need to be data matched.  If the students meet the requirements for being included on Table 5, a cohort record will have been created for them and will be in the All Followup Outcomes tab (accessed by clicking the little double arrows at the bottom of the left navigation pane).


Once you are in the All Followup Outcomes tab, you can click the + next to Outcome in the left Navigation Pane and then select Enter Employment, so you are only left with the Enter Employment cohort and goal records.


Then, if you are currently only interested in data matching the students who left between 4/1/13 - 6/30/13 (to check employment status between 7/1/12 - 9/30/13), then you can limit the selection to only those students who left in this time period using a General Search I created.  Go to Find > General Search and click Use Existing Query.  In the dropdown menu, choose 'left date 4/1/13 - 6/30/13' and then click query IN SELECTION (so you are only searching the Enter Employment records).


This will leave you with all of the students who are in the Cohort and left in the specified time period (2591 in the SEA database).


From here, you can choose to data match all of these students, but you may want to exclude any students who are already marked as achieving the outcome and who also have responded to survey checked.  To do this, I would export the data to Excel (Print > Export) and in Excel, sort first by Outcome Status and then by Responded to Survey.  You can then delete anyone who is marked as YES on both.


You may also want to exclude from the data match people who are marked as having met the outcome even if Responded to survey is currently marked as No.  If that is the case, you might want to contact the agencies who have students indicated as achieving the outcome but not responding to survey to let them know they will need to mark responded to survey in order for it to count as Met on Table 5.


I am not sure in SD if there is a fee for you to do the data match.  If there isn't, I would start with the largest selection of students which is just everyone who is in the cohort and left in the relevant time period.  But, if there is a fee, you may want to go those extra steps to omit the people who have already been marked as achieving the outcome.


Keep in mind that the All Followup Outcomes tab is processing lots and lots of data so it is a little slow to work in it, but it will definitely give you the info you need on students who need to be data matched.

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