This is doable. It will take several steps (to find the
hours range and to get the info from each of the relevant fiscal years), but it
can definitely be done.
First, find the students who had the relevant number of hours in
the relevant fiscal year. I started with the 11/12 fiscal year.
<= 25 hours is the easiest so we'll start there
Go to Find > FY Data Search and enter the following:
Reporting System: NRS FY 11-12
Fiscal Year Data Category: Student Data
Fiscal Year Data Field: Hours Instruct
Operator: <=
Value: 25
Search All Records and Display the Result
This leaves you with the people who had the relevant number of
hours, and while it includes people who weren't active in that fiscal year,
they won't be included in the final results for students who did/didn't make
level gains.
for the ranges 26-40 and 41-80,
you will have to use 2 searches to get the correct selection of students:
Go to Find > FY Data Search and enter the following:
Reporting System: NRS FY 11-12
Fiscal Year Data Category: Student Data
Fiscal Year Data Field: Hours Instruct
Operator: >=
Value: 26
Search All Records and Display the Result
Go to Find > FY Data Search and enter the following:
Reporting System: NRS FY 11-12
Fiscal Year Data Category: Student Data
Fiscal Year Data Field: Hours Instruct
Operator: <=
Value: 40
Search in the current selection ONLY
Now you are left with only the students who had between 26-40
hours. The process will be the same for 41-80. >=81 will be a
single search like the <= 25 search.
So that's the process to find the relevant number of hours.
Now, to find the students who completed a level. I am
working on the assumption that you are only wanting to look at students who
were post-tested since these are the only students who can make level gains.
If that is the case, then you can just run Table 4B for the relevant
fiscal year to see how many students are included in column B (post-tested
students) vs. how many are included in column D (completed level).
BUT, Table 4B is not currently including students who completed
High Adult Secondary based on passing the GED, so if you are including GED
completion in your calculations, you will also need to run Table 4 because it
includes the number of High Adult Secondary students who passed the GED.
So, for example, for 11/12 Table 4B for students with <= 25
hours shows a total of 39 post-tested students, 28 of whom completed a level.
Table 4 shows that 10 students completed the GED, so you will need to add
this to your final calculations - 49 post-tested students of which 38 completed
a level.
So, the overall process:
1. For the relevant fiscal year, run the FY Data
Search(es) to find students who had the relevant number of hours.
2. Run Table 4B for the relevant fiscal year on those
3. If you need to include HAS students who completed the
GED, run Table 4 for the relevant FY and add the number of GED completers to
your total from 4B.
Repeat this process for the remaining hours ranges for the
selected fiscal year. Once you have all of the data for one fiscal year,
repeat the process for the remaining fiscal years.
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